Understand the development and feedback view


  • Master admin role with the following permissions:
    • Learning > Assignment > All
    • Learning > Module > All
    • Learning > Rule > All


    • Performance admin role with the following permissions:
      • Learning > Assignment > Add, Delete, Reset, View
      • Learning > Module > Add, Archive, Delete, Edit, Publish
      • Learning > Rule > Edit, View

    The Development and Feedback view displays a list of modules. The list updates automatically except when using the filters. 

    Note: When working with the Development and Feedback view, you can only create, work with, edit, and assign a feedback module in divisions for which you have permission. That is, you can only view data from the divisions that you are a member of. For more information, see Divisions overview and Assign roles, divisions, licenses, and add-ons.

    From the Development and Feedback view, you can create new modules and filter the existing module list.

    To go to the Development and Feedback view:

    1. Click Admin.
    2. Under Performance & Engagement, click Development and Feedback.

    When working with the Development and Feedback view, you can create three different modules. For more information, see Create a development and feedback module.

    To filter the list according to a module type, click the Select Module Type(s) list and select one of the following:

    • Learning – Displays only the learning modules.
    • Learning with Assessment – Displays only the learning with assessment modules.
    • Assessment – Displays only the assessment modules.
    • External – Displays only the external modules.
    • All Module Types – Displays all the above four module types. 

    Note: The list of modules automatically updates based on the selected module type.

    To filter the list according to a specific module status, click the Select Module Status(es) field and select one of the following: 

    • Unpublished – Displays only the unpublished modules.
    • Published – Displays only the published modules
    • Archived – Displays only the archived modules.
    • All Module Statuses – Displays all the above three module statuses.

    Note: The list of modules automatically updates based on the selected module status.

    To filter the list according to a specific module, click the Search Module Name field and type the module name you want to find.

    Note: The list of modules automatically updates once you stop typing.

    Column Description
    Module Name The module’s name.
    • Learning – Enables agents to increase their knowledge.
    • Learning with Assessment – Enables agents to evaluate and increase their knowledge.
    • Assessment – Enables agents to evaluate their knowledge through a stand-alone assessment.
    Assigned The number of users the module is assigned to.
    Completed The number of users who completed the module.
    Percentage Passed    The percentage of users who passed the module.
    Average Score The average user score for the specific module.
    Status Indicates if the module is or isn’t published.
    Auto Assign Indicates if auto assign is on or off for the specific module. When auto assign is on, the module is assigned to users based on the rules created in the Auto Assign tab. For more information, see Assign a development and feedback module.
    Date Created Shows the module creation date.
    Source Indicates who created the specific module.

    Click the more more icon icon relevant to the respective article and select one of the following:

    • Open – Opens the selected module.
    • Copy – Makes a copy of the selected module.
    • Assign-Again – Reassigns the selected module again to the agent. To reassign the selected module:
      1. Click Assign-Again. A Confirm Assign Again pop-up window appears.
      2. Click Yes, Assign Again.
    • Archive – Archives the selected module. To archive the selected module:
      1. Click Archive. A Confirm Archive pop-up window appears.
      2. Enable/disable Permit completion of module for the users that are already assigned check box to allow/disallow completion of the module for the already assigned users. 
      3. Click Confirm Archive.