Troubleshoot partial results from the dependency database


Searching from the Dependency Search tab, or within a flow, returns partial results.


The dependency database requires a rebuild, or is in the process of being rebuilt. A database might need a rebuild if Architect identifies an inconsistency in the stored data. 


To rebuild the dependency database, you must have the Architect Admin permission assigned to your user role. If you do not have the appropriate permission, you can only see the rebuild status. Contact your administrator to request a database rebuild.

If you have appropriate permission and want to rebuild the database, do the following:

  1. From the Architect home page, click the Dependency Search tab.
  2. Click the gear drop-down list and from the menu that appears select Force Rebuild.Force rebuild

When a dependency search will result in partial results and a rebuild is necessary to reconcile the database, Architect returns a message on the Dependency Search tab, informing you that a rebuild is necessary prior to executing the search. In this case, the system proactively lets you know you will receive partial results prior to a search:

Dependency database rebuilding