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If you indicated that you had a problem, please know that we are looking into your issue and will get back to you as soon as we can. However, if you believe you have encountered unexpected behavior, we recommend that you contact your administrator or IT department for assistance.

Contact your administrator or IT department

To contact your administrator or IT department from within the product:

  1. In the lower left corner of Genesys Cloud, click the Help icon.
  2. On the Help page, click More Help (…).
  3. Click Contact Help Center.
  4. Begin a Search. More options appear.
  5. Click Contact Help Center.
  6. Complete the form on the Get Help page.
  7. Click Submit.

Genesys Cloud Customer Care

To contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care, you must be a Designated ContactBecome a Designated Contact by first reviewing the Customer Areas of Responsibility. Then go to the Customer Care log in page and select Get Started to request a My Support account and get access to our Genesys support tools. Allow 48 business hours to receive your credentials. For more information about Genesys Cloud Customer Care, see About Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

Genesys Product Ideas Lab

The Genesys Product Management and Engineering teams actively monitor and evaluate ideas submitted in the Genesys Product Ideas Lab. Here, you can vote on, comment on, and create new ideas. To access the ideas portal and participate, go to Genesys Product Ideas Lab.

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