Navigate the Architect home page

Use Architect’s home page to create, filter, open, search for, or delete various flow types. Create and manage call prompts and supported languages. Perform a dependency search that locates flows with particular resources.

Control Action
Flows tab

Choose the type of flow you want to create or manage:

  • Inbound call: Architect opens to this tab by default. Here, view and manage all existing inbound call flows.
  • Inbound message: Set up and configure ACD message flows to route and deliver incoming messages to the right queue.
  • Inbound email: Set up email message flows to route and deliver incoming emails to the right queue.
  • Inbound chat: Set up and configure chat flows to route and deliver incoming chats to the right queue.
  • Outbound call: On this tab, view and configure outbound call flows. Outbound call flows process calls that an agent initiates on behalf of a call center or customer.
  • Bot flow: Build bot flows within Architect and then integrate them into Architect call, chat, and message flows.
  • Common module: Use common module flows to build logic and then reuse it in multiple flows and flow types.
  • In-queue call: Architect provides a built-in, default in-queue flow for all queues in your organization. Use the in-queue call flow to create the hold experience for your customers while they wait in a queue before they transfer to an agent.
  • In-queue email: Use the in-queue call email flow to create the hold experience for your customers, such as an automatic response, before they transfer to an agent.
  • In-queue message: Use the in-queue message flow to create the hold experience for your customers, such as an indicator of their position in the queue, before they transfer to an agent. 
  • Secure call: Configure secure call flows to prevent system recording or agent access to a caller’s entry of sensitive information, such as payment processing. 
  • Voicemail: Tailor and implement the default voicemail flow in your organization.
  • Workflow: Create and configure workflows using the public API. Administrators create workflows in Architect, and Predictive Engagement administrators use Architect flow actions to configure action maps that integrate with third-party systems.
  • Survey invite: After you create the web survey, use Architect to create a flow for surveys. The survey invite flow can contain the survey’s invitation email to send to external contacts, including the sender, receiver, and survey URL. 
Prompts tab

Select the type of prompt you want to create or manage:

  • System: System prompts are Architect-provided, generic prompts to indicate numbers, dates, days of the week, months, and so on. You cannot delete System prompts, but you can override the default resources for them.
  • User: Import or record all user audio and text-to-speech (TTS) prompts through this tab.
Dependency Search Search for checked-in or published flows that have a particular resource dependency. 
Add Create a new flow.
Open Select the flow from the list of published or unpublished flows and click to view or modify a current or existing version of a flow. 
Delete Select the flow or flows from the list and click to delete them.
Unlock Remove a lock on a flow that another user is currently editing.
Version View a list of available versions or access a previous version of the flow.
Refresh Replace the current list of flows with the most recent changes.
Search and filter To find an item, or to filter items by keyword, type the search terms in this field.
Name column

This column lists the name of each individual flow or prompt. To sort flows or prompts alphabetically, click the Name column. To open a specific flow or prompt, click the link or select the check box on the left side of the name and click the Open button.

Tip: Middle-click a flow to open it in a new tab.

Locked column If a flow is checked out for editing by another user, the name of the person editing the flow appears here. The flow is locked and unavailable for editing. To sort locked and unlocked call flows, click the Locked column.
Checked In column This column shows the last version of the call flow that was checked in. When a call flow is checked in, it is saved and available for editing, but is not published and not available for use in a call route. To sort call flows by checked in or checked out status, click the Checked in column. 
Published column

To list call flows by published or unpublished status, click the Published column. The number in this column is the version of the flow most recently published.

Description column To sort items alphabetically by description, click the Description column.
List controls Specify the number of items you want to see on a page, or navigate between pages.