Gather console logs on Firefox

When problems occur, console and network logs provide visibility into the actions and events on an agent’s computer. When combined with Cloud-side logging, browser logs (console logs and network logs) provide Customer Care with a full picture of an issue. Troubleshooting issues without complete information can be difficult, if not impossible.

Note: Third-party browsers are subject to change without notice. There may be differences between the video content and your user interface experience.

The method to get a console log on Mac and Windows is the same:

  1. In Firefox, click > More Tools > Web Developer Tools.
  2. Select the Console tab, if it is not selected by default.
  3. Click a filter category that is not selected to display in the log. Filter categories include Errors, Warnings, Logs, Info, Debug, CSS, XHR, and Requests.
    Note: To capture XMLHttpRequests, click XHR.
  4. Click and select Persist Logs
  5. Click again and select Show Timestamps
  6. Leave the console open and perform the steps that reproduce the issue.
  7. Right-click any line and select Save all Messages to File.
  8. Save the file.

    Note: If you copy or move log files soon after saving, they can break. Ensure to wait for the data transfer to complete after saving the file and then, move the file to a different location or upload the file to the Support ticket.

  9. Upload the file to the Support ticket along with any other requested information. Use My Support to open and manage your support cases.