Format the header and footer in a customer survey form

  • Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, or Genesys Cloud EX license
  • Quality > Survey Form > Add permission
  • Quality > Survey Form > Delete permission
  • Quality > Survey Form > Disable permission
  • Quality > Survey Form > Edit permission
  • Quality > Survey Form > View permission

    When you create a customer survey form, use markdown to format the text in a survey form’s header and footer. 

    • Use inline formatting for words within a line or paragraph.
    • Use image formatting to add images.
    • Use paragraph formatting for the whole paragraph.

    Format Use For example, type this… To send this…
    Italic Single asterisks or underscores (* or _)

    Here is some *italic text* in a chat.

    (Or substitute underscores for the asterisks.)

    Here is some italic text in a chat.

    Bold Double asterisks or underscores (** or __)

    Here is some **bold text** in a chat.

    (Or substitute double underscores for the double asterisks.)

    Here is some bold text in a chat.
    Strikethrough Double tilde symbols (~~)

    Here is some ~~strikethrough text~~ in a chat.

    Here is some strikethrough text in a chat.
    Highlight Backticks (`)

    Here is some `highlighted text` in a chat.

    Here is some highlighted text in a chat.
    URL hyperlinks

    Web address format

    Note: Make sure to add “http://” or “https://” to the link.

    Check out to see what we’re up to.

    Check out to see what we’re up to.
    Custom hyperlinks
    1. Brackets around the text
    2. Parentheses around the link
    3. (Optional) Quotation marks around the title text. Title text appears when you hover over the link.


    • Make sure to add “http://” or “https://” to the link
    • There is no space between the bracket and parenthesis

    Check out the [Resource Center]( "The Resource Center home page").

    Check out the Resource Center.

    Format Use For example, type this… To show this…
    1. Exclamation mark
    2. Brackets for the image alt text
    3. Parentheses for the link to the image
    4. (Optional) Straight quotation marks around the title text. Title text appears when you hover over the image.

    ![company logo]( "Genesys Logo")


    Genesys logo

    Format Use For example, type this… To send this…
    New Paragraph

    Use one of the following:

    • Add a \ character to the end of the line
    • Press the Enter key twice

    This is a paragraph in the header. \

    This is a new paragraph in the header.


    This is a paragraph in the header. <enter><enter> 

    This is a new paragraph in the header.


    This is a paragraph in the header. 

    This is a new paragraph in the header.


    This is a paragraph in the header.  


    This is a new paragraph in the header.

    Heading text

    Number signs and a space

    • One “#” for largest
    • Three”#”s for smallest


    # The Big Plan

    ### The Big Plan

    ### The Big Plan

    Block quote Greater than symbol

    >”I think Dave’s team did a great job.”

    Chat - Block quote example

    Bulleted lists

    For each item in the list, use an asterisk or hyphen and a space.

    * Unnumbered list item 1
    * Unnumbered list item 2
    * Unnumbered list item 3

    (Or substitute hyphens for asterisks.)

    • Unnumbered list item 1
    • Unnumbered list item 2
    • Unnumbered list item 3
    Numbered lists

    For each item in the list, type the number one, a period, and a space.

    1. First do this.

    1. Now do this.

    1. Then do this.

    1. First do this.
    2. Now do this.
    3. Then do this.
    Nested lists

    Indent each list item with four spaces.

    1. First do this:

    <space><space><space><space>2. step 1

    <space><space><space><space>3. step 2

    * Also consider this:

      * option A

      * option a

    1. First do this:
      1. step 1
      2. step 2
    • Also consider this:
      • option A
        • option a
    Code block
    1. Triple backticks
    2. Enter+Enter
    3. Code block
    4. Enter+Enter
    5. Triple backticks

    ` ` `



        printf(“Hello World”);

    ` ` `

        printf("Hello World");

    Note: To avoid markdown formatting when using the special characters, use a backslash (\) before the markdown. For example, type \**bold text** to display **bold text** in the header or footer instead of bold text

    Note: Genesys Cloud does not support standard markup language in survey forms for voice survey flows.