Disconnect action

Disconnect provides callers with a graceful way to exit a menu system and end an interaction immediately. It is good practice to provide a Disconnect option, so that participants know when it is appropriate to hang up.  

You can optionally play an audio file before the interaction is disconnected (e.g. “thank you for calling”), giving callers a way to say goodbye to the auto-attendant. If you leave callers in a menu that lacks an exit path, they may feel trapped, and may dislike the system. Optionally playing an audio file before the call is disconnected applies only to task sequences–you cannot add a Play Audio action to a menu choice.

The Disconnect action can be used in menu choices and task sequences.  When you use an action in a menu choice, Architect provides additional settings such as DTMF and speech recognition. 

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the call flow structure.