Add a Transfer action to a flow

Architect offers several transfer actions for use in flow menus and task sequences:

  • The Transfer to ACD action transfers an interaction into the queuing system. 
  • The Transfer to User action transfers an interaction directly to a Genesys Cloud user.
  • The Transfer to Number action transfers an interaction to an external number.
  • The Transfer to Flow action transfers an interaction to another call flow.
  • The Transfer to Secure Flow action transfers an interaction directly to a published flow that contains secure data.
  • The Transfer to Voicemail action transfers an interaction directly to a Genesys Cloud user’s voicemail. 
  • The Transfer to Group action transfers an interaction to an existing group that associates users who have common traits, like a skill, a manager, or a project. For more information, see About groups.
Note: These actions are available in call flow menu choices and call, email, or message flow task sequences. Menu choices contain common settings such as DTMF and speech recognition. For more information about these additional menu choice settings, see the Suggested content.

Transfer to ACD sends the interaction to the ACD assignment service for Genesys Cloud. ACD processing uses a first in, first out (FIFO) algorithm with a language skills component. With FIFO processing, Genesys Cloud sends the interaction that arrives the earliest to the first available resource. The language component restricts the pool of available agents to those agents who are fluent in the appropriate language. You can add an ACD transfer to a call flow menu or to a call, message, or email flow’s task sequence. Your flow design dictates how and when you use this action. For more information, see Set up a Transfer to ACD action.

Add a Transfer to ACD action for call flows

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to ACD action to the appropriate location in the flow sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow sequence.
  3. [Call flow menus only] Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click the DTMF dialpad and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases to associate with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu to find an extension, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To send the interaction to the current menu operation immediately if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. (Optional) Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  5. (Optional) Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  6. Under Priority, click a star to assign a priority to the interaction. You can also set priority to another variable, expression, or literal value if you want to present your own. 
  7. Click the area at the end of the Queue field and select a queue to which to assign the interaction.
  8. (Optional) To select a customized in-queue flow instead of the default in-queue flow, click Override default in-queue handling.
    Note: When you select this option, the selection changes to In-Queue Call Flow, where you can select the non-default flow the customer hears when on hold for this queue.
  9. (Optional) To override the language skill that is set for the language in which the flow is running, click Override Language Skill and select the language skill to use for the transfer action. Set the default language skill for a language in the Supported Languages container.
  10. (Optional) Click the Add ACD Skill button to select a predefined skill for agents who receive the interaction.
  11. Configure the transfer action’s Failure task if the interaction cannot be transferred to the queue.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  12. Continue building the task per your flow design.

Add a Transfer to ACD action for email or message flows

  1. From the Toolbox, and drag a Transfer to ACD action to the appropriate location in the flow sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow sequence.
  3. In the Priority area, click a star to assign a priority to the email or message. You can also set priority to another variable, expression, or literal value if you want to present your own. 
  4. Click the area at the end of the Queue field and select a queue to which to assign the email or message.
  5. To set a language skill or language detection on the flow, do one of the following:
    • From the list, select a language skill to assign to the flow.
    • Switch to expression mode and enter the desired DetectLanguage function.
      Note: The DetectLanguage function attempts to determine the language for wording contained in a string. For more information, see the built-in Expression Help.
  6. (Optional) Click the Add ACD Skill button to select a predefined skill for agents who receive the email or message.
  7. Continue building the task per your flow design.

The Transfer to User action sends an interaction to a specific person or agent. You can add this action to a flow menu or to a task sequence. Your flow design dictates how and when you use this action.


To successfully execute the call flow, the selected user must have logged into Genesys Cloud at least once.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to User action to the appropriate location in the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. [Flow menus only] Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases to associate with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu to find an extension, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the interaction to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the call flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Click the User list and select the user to which to transfer the interaction.
  5. Under Allow rollover to voicemail, select whether to allow the interaction to transfer to voicemail if unanswered.
  6. To override the default call timeout setting, do the following:
    1. Click Connect Timeout.
    2. Use the + or  - buttons, or manually enter the desired value in seconds or milliseconds.
    3. If the flow was previously published, republish the flow. This step ensures that existing flows follow the configured failure path for unsuccessful transfers. 
  7. (Optional) Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  8. (Optional) Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  9. [Flow tasks only] Configure the transfer action's Failure path if the interaction cannot be transferred to the user.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  10. Continue building the task per your flow design.

This operation transfers a call to a telephone number outside your organization. For example, use this option to route interactions to an after-hours call center or to transfer interactions that come in after hours to a different office. The flow author presets the destination telephone number. The caller has no control over the destination.

Note: For existing calls, Architect tries to use the same trunk and site as the inbound call. However, if the trunk is in use by multiple sites, Architect uses the default site.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Number action to the appropriate location in the flow menu.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. (Flow menus only) Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click the DTMF dialpad and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases to associate with menu options.
    3. To allow users to press this number from any menu to find extensions, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To send the user to the current menu if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    5. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases to associate with menu options.
  4. In the Number area, enter a destination telephone number in this field. 
    Note: You can enter string data here, which allows you to type anything you like (numbers, letters, dashes, parenthesis). In addition to telephone numbers, you can enter:
    •  A SIP address, such as
    •  A word-based phone number (1-800-RENT-NOW).
    •  A call attribute in the form $(ATTR_NAME) replacing ATTR_NAME with the name of any call attribute. This attribute allows the parameter to populate with a call attribute set earlier in Architect.
  5. (Optional) If the Release Link Transfer feature is active in external trunk settings, configure the Boolean value. For more information, see Transfer to Number action.
  6. To override the default call timeout setting Genesys Cloud uses before transferring the call to the next available group member, do the following:
    1. Click Connect Timeout.
    2. Use the + or  - buttons, or manually enter the appropriate value in seconds or milliseconds.
    3. If this flow is a published flow, republish it. This step ensures that existing flows follow the configured failure path for unsuccessful transfers. 
  7. (Optional) Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play before the system transfers the interaction.
  8. (Optional) Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  9. (Flow tasks only) Configure the transfer action's Failure path if the system cannot transfer the interaction to the user.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  10. Continue creating the task per your flow design.

The Transfer to Group action sends an interaction to a specific Genesys Cloud group. You can add this action to a flow menu or to a task sequence.  Your flow design dictates how and when you use this action.


To successfully execute the call flow, the selected user must have logged into Genesys Cloud at least once.

Note: Groups are created by administrators in Genesys Cloud. For more information about Genesys Cloud groups, see Manage Groups page.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Group action to the appropriate location in the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. [Flow menus only] Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu to find an extension, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the interaction to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Click the Group list and select the group to which to transfer the call.
  5. Under Allow rollover to voicemail, do one of the following:
    • To allow an unanswered interactions to transfer to the group's voicemail, select True.
    • To prevent unanswered interactions from transferring to the group's voicemail, select False.
  6. To override the default call timout setting, do the following:
    1. Click Connect Timeout.
    2. Use the + or  - buttons, or manually enter the desired value in seconds or milliseconds.
    3. If the flow was previously published, republish the flow. This step ensures existing flows follow the configured failure path for unsuccessful transfers. 
  7. (Optional) Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the call.
  8. (Optional) Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  9. [Flow tasks only] Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the interaction cannot be transferred to the group.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  10. Continue building the task per your flow design.

This action transfers the current interaction to another inbound flow defined for this server and is available from all flow types (inbound, outbound, or in-queue). This is particularly useful when outbound processing needs to send the interaction to inbound processing. You can add a Transfer to Flow action to a flow menu or to a task sequence.  Your flow design dictates how and when you use this action.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Flow action to the appropriate location in the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. [Flow menus only] Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu to find an extension, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the caller to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Click the Inbound Call Flow list and select the inbound flow to which to transfer the interaction.
  5. (Optional) Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  6. (Optional) Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  7. [Flow tasks only] Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the call cannot be transferred to the interaction.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  8. Continue building the task per your flow design.

This action transfers the current interaction to a published flow that contains secure data. If the selected flow is removed from the system and no longer exists, and you do not update this transfer action, the flow will fail at this action step. If you select an unpublished flow, Architect sends a warning message. You can add a Transfer to Flow action to a flow menu or to a task sequence.  Your flow design dictates how and when you use this action.

Note: If a supervisor or administrator is actively monitoring a secure interaction when the agent attempts to transfer it, the agent cannot transfer the it. Architect cannot automatically stop active monitoring of secure interactions. If the "More than one external participant is connected to the conversation" message appears, the agent must contact their supervisor or administrator and request that they end the monitoring session.

To set up a Transfer to Secure Flow action, follow these steps:

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Secure Flow action to the appropriate location in the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. [Flow menus only] Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. In the Speech Recognition field, optionally add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu to find an extension, select the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the caller to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, select the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Click the Secure Call Flow drop-down list and select the secure flow to which to transfer the interaction.
  5. Under Invocation Data, add the string value that you want to pass to the secure flow.
    Note: This field should not contain sensitive or secure data, such as a credit card number.
  6. Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  7. Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  8. [Flow tasks only] Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the call cannot be transferred to the interaction.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  9. Continue building the task per your flow design.


Use this action to transfer the current interaction directly to a Genesys Cloud user's, queue's, or group's voicemail. Transfer to voicemail is available for inbound, outbound, and in-queue flow types. You can add a Transfer to Voicemail action to a flow menu or to a task sequence. When you implement this action, consider the following:

  • If you remove the selected user or queue from the system and you do not update this transfer action, the flow fails at this action step.
  • If voicemail is not enabled for the organization, Architect returns an error message.
  • If the Genesys Cloud user does not have configured voicemail, the user's name appears grayed out and cannot be selected. 

  • When callers complete a voicemail message, they can press any DTMF digit to end the recording. The system prompts callers with a non-configurable menu, where speech recognition is enabled by default, that includes Send Message, Review, Rerecord, and Cancel options. Callers can also just hang up to send the voicemail and end the call.
  • The maximum message length is 3 minutes. When callers reach the maximum length, the system prompts them with a non-configurable message that plays, "You have reached the maximum message length." This message is followed by the same non-configurable menu, where speech recognition is enabled by default, with Send Message, Review, Rerecord, and Cancel options. Callers can also just hang up to send the voicemail and end the call.
  • With this action, when callers leave a voicemail while in the queue, rather than waiting to connect to an agent, the interaction retains the priority of the voice interaction, and the voicemail routes to the next available agent.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Voicemail action into the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. (Call flow menus only) Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. (Optional) In the Speech Recognition field, add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu, enable the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the interaction to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, enable the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Under Transfer Target, do the following:
    1. Select User.
    2. Select the group to which you want to transfer the voicemail.
  5. Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  6. Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play if the transfer action detects a failure.
  7. (Call flow tasks only) Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the interaction cannot be transferred to the user's voicemail.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  8. Continue building the task per your flow design.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Voicemail action into the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. (Call flow menus only) Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. Optional: In the Speech Recognition field, add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu, enable the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the interaction to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, enable the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Under Transfer Target, do the following:
    1. Select Queue.
    2. Select the queue to which you want to transfer the interaction.
  5. Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  6. Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action detects a failure.
  7. Under Voicemail Greeting, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller after the system transfers the interaction.
  8. Under Voicemail Callback Settings, configure the voicemail callback settings:
    • (Optional) Callee Name: The name used on the callback. 
    • Callback Number: The string expression that specifies the caller’s telephone number for callback purposes. For example, ToPhoneNumber(Call.Ani). This field is required and cannot be blank. 
      Note: When constructing the callback action in your flow, best practice recommends pairing it with an audio sequence and a collect input data action that gives the caller the option of providing another number. For more information, see Create phone numbers for callback.
  9. Under Voicemail Script Settings, select the appropriate script the agent will use during the callback.
  10. Under Inputs, depending on the script you choose, optionally modify default script input settings.
  11. (Call flow tasks only) Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the interaction cannot be transferred to the queue's voicemail.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  12. Continue building the task per your flow design.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Transfer category and drag a Transfer to Voicemail action into the flow menu or task sequence.
  2. In the Name field, type a meaningful name for the transfer action. This name becomes the name of the transfer node in the flow menu.
  3. (Call flow menus only) Set DTMF and optional speech recognition settings:
    1. Click DTMF and choose the key that callers press to enter a caller data entry operation.  
    2. (Optional) In the Speech Recognition field, add words or phrases that can be associated with menu options.
    3. To allow a user to press this number from any menu, enable the DTMF goes to this menu choice from any menu check box.
    4. To immediately send the interaction to the current menu operation if the speech recognition engine matches the verbal request anywhere in the flow, enable the Speech recognition terms go to this menu choice from any menu check box.
  4. Under Transfer Target, do the following:
    1. Select Group.
    2. Select the group to which you want to transfer the interaction.
  5. Under Pre-Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller before the system transfers the interaction.
  6. Under Failed Transfer Audio, select a prompt, add text to speech, or configure an audio sequence to play to the caller if the transfer action encounters a failure.
  7. (Call flow tasks only) Configure the transfer action's Failure path in the event that the interaction cannot be transferred to the group's voicemail.

    Note: For transfer actions included in secure flows, Genesys Cloud overrides the defined failure path and disconnects the call. The normal consultation VXML transfer type can be problematic in secure flows; therefore, Genesys Cloud uses blind transfers. For more information, see Recommendation for the <transfer> element. This behavior occurs in transfers to ACD, user, external numbers, group, other flows, and voicemail.

  8. Continue building the task per your flow design.