Apply an action map to specific webpages


The following permissions:

Configure the following permissions in Genesys Cloud CX:

  • Journey > Action Map > AddDeleteEdit, and View (to create action maps)
  • Journey > Action Target View (to select a team to handle interactions from the action map)
  • Create segments
  • Create outcomes

Apply an action map to webpages

When you create an action map that uses a web action, you can define an expression that determines on which webpages the action map should or should not trigger. The expression includes one or more operators, a corresponding operand, and one or more conditions. After you define the expression, verify that the expression is valid.

About conditions

You can add as many conditions as you need. For OR conditions, the action map triggers when either condition is true. For AND conditions, the action map triggers when both conditions are true.

As you define conditions, Genesys Predictive Engagement checks for syntax errors, including a valid protocol, spaces and extra special characters. If there are syntax errors, Genesys Predictive Engagement displays an error message. For more information, see the notes for the operator that you are using.

  • If the action map isn’t working as expected, check your URL conditions.
  • To remove a condition, rest your mouse on it and then click the x that appears.

Verify that the expression is valid

After you define an expression, ensure that the expression is valid for all the webpages that you specified. Expressions are not case-sensitive.

Note: If you see, “No” when you check a webpage, it means that the URL doesn’t match the specified conditions. Check your expression:
  • If you are using the equals, or not equals operators, ensure that you specified a full URL.
  • If you are using the equalsnot equals, or starts with operators, ensure that you specified the protocol.

Operators for URL conditions

  • Separate a list of values with commas
  • Available operators depend on the object type that you are configuring.
Operator Action map triggers when the page URL… Comments
contains all Contains all the words that you specify. Separate a list of values with commas welcome,insurance,page
contains any Contains one or more words that you specify. Separate a list of values with commas insurance,car,plan
does not contain all Does not contain all the words that you specify. Separate a list of values with commas bank,tax,account
does not contain any Does not contain any of the words that you specify. Separate a list of values with commas bank,health,life
equals Matches the full URL that you specify exactly, including case. Specify the full URL, including the protocol; either “http:” or “https:”.

If you define an equals condition, you cannot define an AND condition.


  • equals OR OR


  • equals OR
  • equals AND equals
not equals Does not match the full URL exactly as you specify, including case Specify the full URL, including the protocol; either “http:” or “https:”.

If you define a not equals condition, you cannot define an AND condition.


  • not equals OR OR<br />


  • equals OR
  • equals AND equals
starts with Matches the words that you specify, starting from the beginning of the string, up to and including the last character in the string Use this operator when your URLs are generally unvarying but can include query string parameters at the end that you want to exclude.

Specify the protocol; either “http:” or “https:”. You can have one starts with or one ends with operator per condition.



  • starts with OR AND starts with OR
ends with Matches the words that you specify, starting from the end of the string, up to and including the first character in the string Use this operator when you want to match a specific query string parameter at the end of the URL.

For example, you can match shopping cart pages with URLs that end with “/thankyou.html”.

You can have one ends with operator per condition.