Add a Position In Queue action to a task

Add the Play Position In Queue action to an in-queue flow’s task sequence to inform the caller of his or her place in the current queue.

  • Position: The caller hears, “Your position in queue is [five]”, replacing [five] with the exact position specified in the Position in queue setting.
  • Ordinal Position: The caller hears, “You are the [fifth] caller in the queue“, replacing [fifth] with the exact position specified in the Position in queue setting. If the specified value in Position in Queue is greater than 999, the position in queue will be read back as a cardinal number.
  • Ahead: The caller hears, “There are [four] callers ahead of you”, replacing [four] with the exact number of calls in the queue before the current caller’s position.

Note: Certain scenarios play back the same reply, regardless of the selected Playback Mode:

  • If the call’s position in queue is 1, the caller hears, “You are the next caller.”
  • If the call’s position in queue is 2, the caller hears, “There is one caller ahead of you.”

Note: This action is only available for in-queue flows and is only intended to play the position in queue for customers. It should not be used to make routing decisions. Additionally, to provide good customer service, this value never increases. For example, if a customer hears they are third in line, they will not hear that they are fifth in line 60 seconds later.  The number for this variable only potentially decreases for a particular flow; it never increases, even when the real value increases. The real value is not exposed in Architect.
  1. From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Flows menu and select the desired flow type.
  2. Create a new flow or select an existing one. The flow’s configuration page opens.
  3. Select the task and click Click to open. The task editor opens.
  4. From the task editor Toolbox, drag a Play Position In Queue action to the appropriate location in the task editor.
  5. In the Name text box, type a descriptive name or use the default Position In Queue title.
  6. In the Position in Queue field, do one of the following:
    • If you do not want to configure your own value, leave the default Call.PositionInQueue variable unchanged. 
    • If you want to set your own variable, expression, or literal value, select the Open large expression editor button and configure your value.
  7. In the Playback Mode area, select one of the following:
    • Position. This setting presents the position in queue to the caller in cardinal numbers (one, two, three).
    • Ordinal Position. This setting presents the position in queue to the caller in ordinal numbers (first, second, third), up to 999. 
    • Ahead. This setting presents the number of callers in the queue ahead of the current caller. 
  8. Continue building the task per your flow design.