Pricing per conversation explained

A conversation is defined as any number of interactions (one or many) between a unique end customer account and a message platform during the course of the billing cycle. Any ongoing interactions that span a billing cycle will count as one conversation in each billing cycle.

Conversation examples

Interactions can be considered as a single conversation or as multiple conversations for billing purposes depending on how they occur. The various interaction scenarios are described in the following diagrams.

A single interaction that occurs with a single platform integration on a single day within a billing cycle* is billed as a single conversation.


A single interaction that occurs with a single platform integration over several days within a billing cycle* is billed as a single conversation.


Multiple interactions that occur on multiple occasions from the same customer using the same messaging platform integration within a billing cycle* are billed as a single conversation.


A single interaction that spans a billing cycle* is billed as two conversations – one in each billing cycle. 


An interaction that occurs using separate messaging platform integrations within a billing cycle* is billed as two separate conversations.


An interaction that occurs using different integrations of the same messaging platform within a billing cycle* is billed as two conversations.


* While we use a calendar icon to represent a billing cycle in these diagrams, it is important to keep in mind that a billing cycle may not necessarily be a calendar month. For example, a billing cycle may start and end in the middle of a calendar month.

† For example, suppose a customer using a messaging app has an interaction with an Genesys Cloud agent but can’t provide enough detail. So the customer’s manager takes over using their instance of the SAME messaging app and initiates an interaction with the SAME agent on the SAME topic.