Information that vendors must provide about a premium app

Premium app installation card

To create a card for your app in AppFoundry, Genesys needs the following vendor-supplied information:

{{App Name}}

Name of the app, as it will appear on the card in AppFoundry.

{{App Description}}

Short description of the app, up to 75 characters long. Start with a verb in present tense. End with a period.


  • Uses static and custom actions to act on data in CRM.

  • Embeds third-party web pages in the Genesys Cloud UI.

Installation app icon

The icon to shown in the Admin UI for your app. It must be 96px by 96 px, 1:1 ratio, with a transparent background, in SVG format only.

Application settings

Default application URL

The URL of the web application. Be sure to specify the full URL, including the https: at the beginning of the URL. For example:{{gcHostOrigin}}&gcTargetEnv={{gcTargetEnv}}&langTag={{gcLangTag}}

Regional urls (based on Genesys Cloud region) are not supported.

For more information on the complete and current list of url-interpolation variables in the SDK documentation, see the Client Apps framework Client Apps framework

Number of unique permissions (up to 3)

Each permission will be associated to a Genesys Cloud License. We will work with you to determine the correct number needed. Most applications only require 1 permission.

Default sandbox options required

If your app uses Iframe sandbox options to control application permissions, please provide a comma-separated list of HTML5 iframe sandbox options. Available options are:

  • allow-forms
  • allow-modals
  • allow-popups
  • allow-presentation
  • allow-same-origin
  • allow-scripts

For more information about Iframe options, see Mozilla Developer Network. For more information about Iframe sandbox options and permissions policies, see Property Definitions.

Application location (select 1)

Indicate where in the UI to place a command to run your application. It can appear in the Directory, Apps, or Performance menu. Or it can be invoked in the Widgets panel.

App icon shown when app is loading, or in sidecar (widgets) menu

Similar to Installation app icon above, but must be a vendor-hosted URL.