Genesys Cloud - May 30, 2018

Contact center

Authenticated web chat

Contact center administrators and web developers can now control whether only users who log on to your website can start web chats with agents by configuring authenticated chat. This feature helps administrators ensure that only account owners can chat with agents about their accounts. For more information, see Authenticated web chat overview and Authenticated chat (Developer Center).

Configurable whisper audio

Administrators can now incorporate Architect user prompts to customize whisper audio for agents. Before a call connects to an agent, whisper audio lets the agent know which queue the caller selected. For more information, see the Phone tab on the Edit Person page, Set behavior and thresholds for all interaction types in Create and configure queues, and Set whisper audio action.

Agents Performance views

A new version of the Agents Performance views includes features such as summary rows, date filters, interaction detail filters, customizable metric columns, and better data visualizations. These features help contact center supervisors better understand their contact center’s and agents’ performance. For more information, see Agents Performance views.

Skills-based analytics view

Contact center supervisors can now see statistics based on the skills and languages identified for routing interactions. Supervisors can use the statistics in the view to analyze issues with skills and/or languages and to determine evaluation and routing method effectiveness. The new view also allows supervisors to see performance across different queues. For more information, see Skills Performance view

Interactions view enhancements

New Interactions view enhancements provide additional metrics and filtering abilities to contact center supervisors. These enhancements enable supervisors to more easily find interactions and to see more data about them. For more information, see Interactions view