Genesys Cloud - March 21, 2018
Alternate NTP providers for premises Edge appliances
Telephony administrators can now specify alternate NTP providers for premises Edge appliances. The new setting appears on the site’s General tab. For more information, see Create a site.
Contact center
Agent Login-Logout Details report
Contact center supervisors can now run a report that shows log in and log out times for selected agents.
Calling party number field for queues validation
In queue configuration, Genesys Cloud now validates the calling party number to ensure that it follows the E.164 numbering format. The default country is derived from the user’s IP address. For more information about how to set behavior and thresholds for voice channels, see Create and configure queues.
Chinese (simplified) TTS and ASR language support
Text-to-speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR) support are now available for simplified Chinese (zh-CN). Genesys Cloud now provides full support for simplified Chinese: IVR prompts and runtime, telephony user interface (TUI), text-to-speech, and speech recognition. For more information, see Genesys Cloud supported languages.
Outbound dialing campaign management in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce
Administrators can now create, manage, and view Genesys Cloud outbound dialing campaigns in Salesforce. The integration syncs campaign data between Salesforce and Genesys Cloud organizations. For more information, see About Campaign Management in Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.