Genesys Cloud - December 1, 2021

Contact center

Quick replies for WhatsApp messaging

Administrators and contact center managers can now add quick replies to bot conversations for WhatsApp Messenger. Quick replies facilitate bot conversations by enhancing the customer experience and quickly resolving problems. For more information, see Work with quick replies in bot conversations. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 Digital Upgrade I.

Custom gamification profiles

Administrators and contact center managers can now create custom gamification profiles to measure the performance of select group of agents. This feature enables administrators to define the set of metrics and objectives that are relevant for a subset of agents in the contact center who share performance targets. For example, administrators can create different custom profiles for the organization’s technical support agents vs. escalation call agents. For more information see About gamification. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3.

Workforce Engagement Management add on subscription expansion of functionality and billing change

The Workforce Engagement Management (WEM) add on subscription now includes all WEM functionality from Genesys Cloud, including speech and text analytics, gamification, and development and feedback modules. Subscription billing is now based on the number of administrators and agents that use the add on WEM features. Previously, billing was based on when participate permissions were added for users. For more information, see Add Workforce Engagement Management to your subscription. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 1 WEM Upgrade II or Genesys Cloud User 2 WEM Upgrade I.