Genesys Cloud - April 17, 2019


Genesys Cloud Voice in Sweden

Genesys Cloud Voice, the 100% cloud-based solution using Genesys Telecom for phone service, is now available in Sweden. Services are provided out of the AWS EU (Ireland) region. For more information, see About Genesys Cloud Voice.

Contact center

Real-time status columns in agents performance views 

Contact center managers and supervisors can now view real-time agent status information in the Agents Performance Summary view and Agents Status Summary view. Managers can see their agents’ real-time status data in the new columns even when viewing historical information on those views. For more information, see Agents Performance Summary view and Agents Status Summary view.

Interaction countdown alert

Agents now receive an interaction alert that notifies them of the time remaining before the interaction returns to the queue and Genesys Cloud places the agent in the Not Responding routing status. For more information, see Accept and complete interactions.