Genesys Cloud - April 27, 2016

Contact center

New Features and Functionality

  • Social Channel Management is now available in Genesys Cloud Engage (Tier-3 licenses). It provides an introduction to social media listening through Twitter. Upcoming enhancements include additional social hubs and further analytic functions.
    • Features:
      • Create a Social Account entity in Genesys Cloud
        • Securely authenticate your external Twitter account for use by Genesys Cloud.
        • Turn on/off streaming at the account level.
      • Create a listener
        • Select one of your Social Accounts for your Listener.
        • Select which queue your Listener routes social expressions to (in this case, Twitter tweets).
        • Indicate a series of filters such as ‘any words’, ‘all words’, or ‘exact phrase’
        • Turn on Listener streaming.
      • Within minutes (sometimes a few seconds), Twitter begins sending publicly available tweets that match your Listener to your targeted Queue.
      • Agents on-queue begin receiving “Social Expression” interactions in the same UI in which they receive call interactions.
        • Agents answer/decline using the same familiar functionality.
        • Answered Social Expressions that have three possible actions.
        • Standard after-call work with wrap-up codes just like a call.
    • Minimal feature-set limitations:
      • Social Expressions are considered interactions. They will be included in the Interaction Facet Search later for analytics.
      • Social Channel Management does not currently allow you to delete entities. The ability to archive to retain the dependency relationships and still remove extraneous/old entities is not currently available.
      • Twitter limits the traffic ‘bandwidth throughput’ it is willing to send.  Defining ‘aggressive’ Listeners causes Twitter to pause the stream over time.  Social Channel Management does not currently have a way to know when Twitter does this, so streaming may pause for a time with no further indication.
    • For more information, see About Social Channel Management.
  •  New Dialer Functionality
    • Contact sorting
      • Ability to use a single field sort for a contact list only before assignment to a campaign.
    • Enhanced abandon rate controls
      • Ability to alter the following campaign settings while a campaign is ON:
        • RuleSets
        • DncLists
        • CallableTimeSets
        • Abandon Rate
        • ANI
        • Script
      • This improvement provides a form of pacing control by adjusting the Abandon Rate without having to stop the campaign.

    • Recycle button in campaign management
      • If a campaign is turned on, clicking the button causes the campaign to start over with the first contact. If the campaign is turned off, the campaign starts at the first record when it is turned back on.
    • Skills-based routing
      • Users can assign skills to agents and create a rule to use these skills to route specific calls to specific skill groups.


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  • Initial release of the integration for Genesys Cloud in Australia/New Zealand, European Union (Ireland), East Asia (Japan), North America (US East Coast) regions.