Why does the Offered metric not always equal the Answered plus Abandoned metrics?

Flow-outs and Genesys Cloud’s method of tracking metric statistics could cause the Offered metric not to equal the Answered plus Abandoned metrics.

Offered interactions are either answered, abandoned, or flow-out interactions. Flow-outs are interactions that enter and leave a queue without getting answered by an agent or disconnected. They can include transfers to voicemail, callbacks, and any system-driven events such as in-queue flows that transfer to another queue or external party after a certain amount of time. Flow-outs can also occur if the caller opts to exit out of the queue and return to the IVR. Offered interactions are either answered, abandoned, or flow-out interactions.

Genesys Cloud tracks metric statistics in 30-minute intervals. An interaction could span multiple intervals. If an interaction enters a queue in one interval but is not answered or abandoned until the next interval, then Genesys Cloud counts the interaction as Offered in one interval and as Answered or Abandoned in the next interval. For example, a call comes in to a queue at 7:28 and an agent answers the call at 7:32. Genesys Cloud adds the call to the Offered metric for the 7:00-7:30 interval but adds the agent’s answer to the Answered metric for the 7:30-8:00 interval.