Handle externally routed Salesforce chat interactions

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

Your administrator can set up queues that are configured with an external routing implementation. If your queue uses external routing, the chat interaction opens in the Salesforce console. The way that you respond and handle the chat interaction is different from how you respond to web chat interactions in the client.

  1. Set your status to On Queue in the client.
    This automatically updates the Omni-Channel status to Online in Salesforce.
  2. Click Pick Up as the chat interaction is alerting.
    The chat interaction connects in the client. The Salesforce Omni-Channel automatically generates a work item and opens the chat conversation in the Salesforce console.
    The Omni-Channel widget showing the work item routed to the agent.
  3. Continue and complete the chat interaction.
  4. To end the chat, click Disconnect in the client or close the work item directly in Salesforce. Either way, the client disconnects the chat interaction and the Omni-Channel closes the work item.
    Note: Remember to close the chat conversation window in Salesforce. Otherwise, the client does not disconnect the chat interaction and cannot route any chats to you because it appears that you are still working on the interaction.
  5. You are disconnected from the chat and the Wrap-up window automatically opens. To complete wrap-up work, select a wrap-up code in the client and click Done.

Transfer the chat interaction

If you need to transfer the chat to another agent or queue, you can do so from Salesforce. You cannot transfer an externally routed chat from the client. For more information about transferring a chat in Salesforce, see Transfer chat in the Salesforce documentation.

When another agent accepts the transfer, the Omni-Channel disconnects the work item automatically on your end.

Accept the chat interaction

When an agent transfers a chat and you receive it, the client alerts the incoming chat interaction as the Salesforce work item. You can accept the incoming chat alert to start the conversation. 

The incoming chat interaction alerts in the client.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.