Add questions to a web survey form


The following permissions:

  • Quality > Survey Form > Add 
  • Quality > Survey Form > Delete 
  • Quality > Survey Form > Disable 
  • Quality > Survey Form > Edit 
  • Quality > Survey Form > View 

As you create a web survey form, add questions and information to your survey. You can also add and edit questions to a previously created survey form. 

To add and edit questions, open an existing survey or create a new survey.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Quality, click Survey Forms.
  3. To create a new survey form, click Create.
  4. To edit an existing survey form, click the name of the survey form you want to edit. 

Note: Under the form title you will find the date and time it was last modified. This information represents the forms version ID.  

Question groups allow you to group questions together. For example, you could create question groups for questions about agent demeanor, agent knowledge, satisfaction, or IVR or automated system.

You can add questions only in a question group. To help you get started, new surveys automatically have one question group. You do not need to create more question groups, but your survey must have at least one question group.

  1. To add another question group to a survey:
    1. Click a question group.
    2. Click Add Question Group at the beginning or end of the question group.
  2. In [Question group name here], enter a name for the group of questions. Customers do not see the question group name when they take the survey.
  3. If you want to display the question group based on a previous answer choice, in Question Group Properties, select Include this Question / Question Group Conditionally. Then select when you want the question group to display.
  4. To change the order of the question groups in a survey, click the up or down arrows to move the group up or down in the survey.
  5. To delete a question group and all of the questions in it, click Delete 

To add questions to your survey, add questions to a question group. 

  1. Click in a question group.
  2. If the question group already has questions, click an existing question, then click Add Question.
  3. Click a question type. You can add the following types of questions:
    Question type Description
    Multiple Choice Allows the customer to select a single answer from a list of choices to respond to a question.
    Yes/No Allows the customer to select yes or no to respond to a question.
    Range Allows the customer to select from a range, for example 1 to 5, to respond to a question.
    Net Promoter Scoresm Allows the customer to select from a range of 0–10. This question type also allows you to request a follow-up explanation. You can add only one Net Promoter Score (NPS) question per survey. For more information about NPS and NPS questions, see Net Promoter Scoresm web survey question overview.
    Free Text Allows the customer to enter text in a text box to respond to a question. Set a maximum character limit for the response. 
    Read Only Allows you to write instructions or messages. Does not allow the customer to respond.
  4. To enter your question text, click [Question text here].
  5. If you want to allow customers to select N/A (not applicable) and skip the question, in Question Properties, select N/A Enabled Question.
  6. If you want to display the question based on a previous answer choice, in Question Properties, select Display Conditionally and select when you want the question to display.
  7. To edit answer choices, click the answer choice. 
  8. To edit the value of the answer choice, click the answer choice. Then, in the Value field, enter a number value for that answer choice.
  9. To change the order of the questions within a group, click a question to open it, then click the Up or Down arrows to move the question up or down in the question group.
  10. To delete a question, click Delete 

Note: You can add a maximum of 200 questions per survey form.

To see a preview of how the questions and survey will appear to customers, click Preview off

To return to editing the survey, click Preview on.

  1. To save the survey, click Save. You cannot save a survey if you did not select a language, if you did not enter a name for the survey, or if any questions or answer choices are blank. 
  2. To publish the survey, click Publish. Every time you edit, save, and republish a survey, Genesys Cloud saves the changes as a new version of the survey. Genesys Cloud sends the newest version of a survey to customers.

Net Promoter, NPS, and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks, and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter System are service marks, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.