Clear Post-Flow action


Use the Clear Post-Flow action to remove a previously configured post-flow action from an interaction.


The action is available in inbound and in-queue call flows and common module flows. To access the action, drag a Clear Post-Flow action into the editor from the Flow category of the Architect toolbox and configure the action according to your design.

Set Post-Flow action configuration

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the flow structure.

From the drop-down, select the target participant that you want to remove the post-flow action from:

  • To remove the post-flow action if the agent disconnects, select Agent (‘callee’).
  • To remove the post-flow action if the caller disconnects, select Caller (‘caller’).
  • To remove the post-flow action for any disconnect, select Any (‘any’).