Visitor journey attributes

When you create action mapssegments, and outcomes, you use operators to define attributes. One type of attribute is a visitor journey attribute.

Visitor journey attributes are actions that visitors take on your website. When you define a condition that includes a visitor journey attribute, Genesys Predictive Engagement matches visitors based on whether they do (or do not) take the action. For example, only visitors who complete a form or go to a specific webpage.

A visitor journey attribute can also reflect a negative event. For example a visitor journey attribute might include all visitors who added a product to their shopping cart but did not complete the transaction.

Note: Track these actions as events in your code. To track a more complex visitor journey, add conditions. Genesys Predictive Engagement evaluates all conditions in the visitor journey sequentially, in the order in which you define them.

For more information, see Examples of segments.

Types of visitor journey attributes

  • The system doesn’t validate free form text. If you misspell a value, the segment doesn’t trigger. For example, typing “ACB Retailer” when the page title is “ABC Retailer”.
  • When specifying time for a custom web event, include milliseconds.
  • When specifying numeric values for a custom web event, only numeric relational operators are available. For example, say you have a custom event called “CartValue” and you want to target all customers who have a cart value of $100 or more. You would select the “greater than or equal to” operator and type 100 in the value box. Note: You can include decimal points but not the currency symbol.
Attribute name Description Example
autotrackClick To track when and where a visitor clicks on a webpage. For more information, see autotrackClick. Clicks ‘More’ button.
Custom attribute Allows you to identify groups of visitors based on characteristics and behaviors that are specific to your business. packageDeliveryStatus
Event name Represents actions that occur on your website. For example, object clicked (such as a button, link, or menu option), error generated, inactivity detected, URL changed, or scroll detected.

For more information about configuring events, see About modules.

The recommended format is object_action.

  • button_click
  • link_click
  • page_scroll
  • key_press
  • textbox_entry
form:track To track the value of webpage form submissions. For more information, see forms:track. sign-up-form
Page URL URL of the page. Full protocol required.
Page title Meta title of the page (not the heading on the page). Contact Us
Page hostname Host name of the page’s URL.
Page domain Domain of the page’s URL.
Page fragment Fragment of the page’s URL, sometimes called a named anchor. It usually appears at the end of a URL and begins with a hash (#) character followed by the identifier. #/journey/segment/create
Page keywords Keywords from the HTML<meta>tag of the page. contact
Page pathname Path name of the page. /journey/admin/
Search query Represents the keywords in a visitor’s search query. test
URL query string Query string that passes to the page in the current event. q=test