Data action returns a 400 error
A 400 error returns for web services data action integrations in the following scenarios:
- When you create a custom action with a non-JSON type Accept header, the create action fails.
{ "status": 400, "errorCode": "INVALID_SCHEMA", "userMessage": "The 'Accept' header only supports json content types when specified", "userParams": [], "correlationId": "7930ce0c-ec9e-4929-9a70-0fe087b518b2", "details": [ { "errorCode": "ACTION.PROCESSING" } ], "errors": [] }
When you configure the custom action, ensure that you set the Accept header value to a JSON media type. For example, application/json.
- A custom action execution returns a non-JSON response.
{ "status": 400, "errorCode": "BAD_REQUEST", "userMessage": "The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.", "userParams": [ ], "correlationId": "fbb8bb72-0637-4028-b7d8-caba6686244b", "details": [ { "errorCode": "ACTION.REMOTE_ENDPOINT" } ], "errors": [ { "status": 400, "errorCode": "BAD_REQUEST", "userMessage": "REST call for action execute failed. Message: Request to backend service failed. To see error details, use test mode to execute the action, or execute request in Postman or other REST tools. [fbb8bb72-0637-4028-b7d8-caba6686244b]", "userParams": [], "details": [], "errors": [] } ] }
For more information about the integration, see About the web services data actions integration, Test data actions, and Add configuration to custom actions.